Case Study: Black Friday Special: How Hat Funnels Transformed a $1 Trial into $437,545 of Recurring Annual Revenue for a Self-Mastery Coach


We’re back with another cool customer story from Hat Funnels, and this time it’s all about how we rocked a Black Friday campaign for a self-mastery coach. 

Our client is this amazing coach who’s all about empowering people to unlock their full potential. He’s got this community with over 500 members where they come together to chase their dreams and achieve big things, all for just $97 a month, or $997 a year.

When Black Friday was on the horizon, we saw a golden opportunity to do something different. Instead of the usual price cuts, we decided to offer something way more valuable – a chance to experience his community for almost nothing. 

We set up this deal for his email list where folks could join for an entire month for just $1

Why a buck? Well, it was a smart move to get people committed and to work around a small technical snag with the payment system.

We took the buzz of Black Friday and mixed it with the promise of personal growth. It was a fresh spin on the usual Black Friday deals, and it worked wonders.

In this case study, we’ll dive into the details of our strategy, break down the funnel piece by piece, and show you the awesome results we achieved. 

Keep reading to see how we at Hat Funnels use smart thinking and a bit of creativity to make big things happen for our clients.

The Strategy

Our strategy to leverage this buyer hint that customers have during Black Friday had to be set up in a way they couldn’t resist. Instead of the usual discount, we offered a 30-day trial for just $1.

This approach had a few clever twists:

  1. The Free Gift: Throughout the entire sales page and our marketing messages we mentioned the free gift they would get when joining the community. We offered one of his entry products for free with the trial of the membership, and we made clear that they would keep access to the free gift and all downloaded resources even after they canceled the subscription.
  2. Commitment through a Nominal Fee: Charging $1 instead of offering a completely free trial created a sense of commitment. It wasn’t just about getting a freebie; it was about making a small investment in their personal growth.
  3. Building Value: The trial wasn’t just a teaser; it was a full experience of the community. This approach allowed potential members to see the real value of joining before making a longer-term commitment.

We combined this strategy with targeted marketing efforts, focusing on people in their 30s who felt they weren’t in control of their lives. 

Using email and social media, we reached out to our audience with a message that resonated: “Take control of your life this Black Friday with this FREE GIFT.”

The strategy was simple yet powerful. It was more than just a trial; it was an invitation to take control of their lives back and start on a journey of self-discovery and improvement for free because we’d also refund the $1 charge if they chose to cancel it during the trial. 

And as we’ll see next, the funnel we designed played a crucial role in turning this strategy into a resounding success.

The Funnel Breakdown

To start our Black Friday promotion, we crafted a funnel that was both simple and effective. Our goal was to guide potential members from initial interest to committed members. 

Here’s how we structured the funnel to accomplish the task above:

  1. Sales Page: The journey started with a sales page that announced the limited-time Black Friday deal. For just $1, visitors could access a month of the client’s members’ area and get my product for free, followed by a $97 monthly subscription. As we mentioned earlier, we made very clear in our marketing messages that this would be a free black friday to catch their attention.
  2. Checkout: Once visitors decided to take the plunge, the checkout process was streamlined and straightforward. The $1 fee was a small step, but it was crucial in creating a sense of commitment and easing them into the idea of becoming a paying member.
  3. One-Time Offer (OTO) Page: After the checkout, we presented a one-time offer – an opportunity to join the client’s high-level program at the price of $499 per quarter, instead of $597 with the payment gateway fees. This offer was not only irresistible but also aligned perfectly with the aspirations of our target audience. We managed to sell 33 OTOs, adding an extra $16,467 to the campaign’s revenue upfront.
  4. Confirmation Page: The final step was a confirmation page, where we thanked the new members and set expectations for their journey ahead. Pro Tip: Always add their unique link to join the members’ area on the confirmation page. It increases the joining rate by 3 times and reduces support tickets!

This funnel was based on the linchpin method popularized by Russel Brunson, designed to build up membership programs using free trials. 

We chose to offer a basic product for free along with the trial. This approach not only attracted new members but also provided immediate value, setting the stage for long-term engagement and conversion.

Talking about conversions, next, we’ll show you all the stats of this successful campaign.

The Results

The expectations of our client were not only met but he was also amazed at the conversion of free trials to paid members, he got a whopping 44%, way above the numbers of the market!

Here’s a breakdown of the key outcomes:

  • Trial Sign-Ups: We sold a total of 436 trials, a clear indication that our $1 offer struck the right chord with our target audience.
  • Conversion to Paid Membership: Of those who signed up for the trial, an impressive 195 individuals chose to stay on as paid members after the 30 days. That’s $18,915 per month!
  • Annual Subscriptions: In addition to the monthly memberships, we sold 13 annual subscriptions at $997 each. This not only boosted our immediate revenue but also reflected a strong commitment from these members.
  • One-Time Offer (OTO) Success: The OTO was a standout success, with 33 sales totaling $16,467. This result underscored the effectiveness of the offer and its alignment with the needs and aspirations of our audience.
  • Recurring Revenue: The campaign generated a significant amount of recurring revenue. With 195 new monthly members at $97/month, 13 members at $997/year, and 33 members at $499/quarter for his high-level program, we established a substantial and steady income stream for our client.
  • Overall Revenue: The total revenue generated by the campaign, including monthly and annual subscriptions, along with the OTO sales, amounted to $29,428 upfront and $437,545 in annual recurring revenue! This impressive figure is a testament to the campaign’s success and the strategic approach of Hat Funnels.

These results not only met but exceeded our expectations. They demonstrated the power of a well-executed digital marketing strategy and the effectiveness of the linchpin method in building a membership program. 

The campaign’s success also led to the implementation of the trial offer in all existing funnels, further amplifying its impact.

To conclude this case study, we’ll wrap up with some thoughts on what made this campaign a triumph and how Hat Funnels can replicate this success for other clients.

Our Black Friday campaign for the self-mastery coach is a shining example of how innovative thinking and strategic execution can lead to remarkable results. At Hat Funnels, we’re all about pushing the boundaries of digital marketing to deliver campaigns that go beyond our clients’ expectations.

A key to this campaign’s success was offering a 30-day trial for just $1, providing a low-risk, high-value proposition that deeply resonated with individuals seeking personal growth and transformation. 

In today’s expanding digital market, offers like this are becoming more common, but what truly sets a successful company apart is the product. As we move forward, the need to create better products and offers that genuinely help people becomes increasingly crucial. Aligning marketing with a high-quality product is essential.

We’ve seen that while good marketing can sell a subpar product in the short term, it’s only the good products that stand the test of time. 

For this specific case, the client’s good product and our use of the linchpin method, combined with the seasonal event of Black Friday, was a game-changer. However, this approach isn’t limited to seasonal promotions; it can be applied evergreen, effective at any time of the year.

If you’re looking to replicate this kind of success and apply the linchpin method to your business, Hat Funnels is here to help you thrive. 

We’re committed to creating strategies that not only meet the immediate needs of your campaign but also ensure long-term success and sustainability for your product.

Let’s work together to turn your vision into a reality. With Hat Funnels, your journey toward a successful digital presence and a thriving business is just a step away.

Get in touch here.

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